Lauren 0:00 Warning: This podcast contains mature themes from very immature people. Kate 0:07 I feel like I have this habit of, for the sake of the joke making myself less sexy. Oh, like I cannot pass up the joke, even if it's even if it's a joke at my own expense or whatever, I can't, I can't ever pass up the joke, just personality wise. So, this guy I've been flirting with, sent me like a very short video the other day. And it was like, This is what I have to put up with in my neighborhood. And it was like, some chunky middle aged dude with his pants half down his ass crack bent over in the street in front of his apartment. And they literally could not stop myself. Even though I'm trying to woo this man. I was literally like, oh, sorry, that was me. like, why do I do this to myself every time. Lauren 1:14 I mean, it's, quite frankly, helped with the fact that you're incredibly beautiful and sexy. So you can get away with making those jokes every now and then. Kate 1:25 I mean, that's nice of you to say, but on the inside, I definitely feel more like a chunky middle aged man with my pants. down my ass crack in the street. That's Lauren 1:34 the beauty of it. Because you have you have Okay, okay. Okay, you've got to bear with me. You've got to bear with me on this next bit. Kate 1:44 I am bearing with you. Lauren 1:47 You have... I have to work myself up Kate 1:53 Is this about to get weird. Lauren 1:56 No, you have the kind of sense of humor that only comes from being ugly in middle school. Kate 2:08 You're not wrong. Lauren 2:12 But you have that sense of humor. And that wit and that intellect in a beautiful swan like, you know, ugly duckling to beautiful swan body, and with luscious, beautiful hair. And you know, the face that you've got, which is great. Um, it's, you know, so you're the total package, you're an ugly person's personality in a beautiful person's body. Kate 2:45 That's very kind of you to say, I appreciate that. And you're reminding me of that time we were talking about Jenny Slate, who we both adore and think is incredibly talented. And we were talking about how she is as hot as you can possibly be and still develop a personality as a person. Lauren 3:05 Right, right. Absolutely. Do you ever think about how hot people they never have to learn joke structure? Kate 3:16 They never learned that timing that setup and payoff team Lauren 3:19 never have to learn any of that. Because anything they say even if it's just like, Oh, yeah, I want to start today. someone's like, Oh my god, you're hilarious. So it's like, it's it's just so easy to be attractive. Kate 3:37 That's true. Speaking from experience, I mean, yeah, I'm not speaking from experience. I'm speaking from watching it from afar, thinking brutally mean thoughts. Lauren 3:52 I wouldn't want you any other way. Kate 3:54 Oh, no, I wouldn't either. No, I wouldn't be there being ugly as character building. Absolutely. Lauren 4:02 I mean, why do you think I've put zero effort into improving? Kate 4:08 Because you started out perfect. And I won't hear another word about it. Oh, Lauren 4:16 you cunt Kate 4:21 You say the sweetest things Welcome to Let's get it on film, the All Things sex in film and TV podcast. We're your hosts, Kate and Lauren Lauren 4:52 . Hi, Kate. Kate 4:53 Hi, Lauren. Lauren 4:55 I love how we start this podcast. It's so fun. Kate 4:59 We have a routine now I'm happy for us. Oh, no. Next thing you know, we'll be totally barred. Lauren 5:08 We'll just be phoning it in. Kate 5:09 I mean, honestly, at this point, we already schedule it in for once a week on Sundays. Lauren 5:16 Yeah. Were you weren't you watching your film? Right before we were ready to record? Kate 5:25 That's a trade secret. Lauren 5:27 Okay, okay. Okay. Kate 5:31 Very well prepared for this. I don't know what you're talking about. Lauren 5:34 Yeah. In any case, I'm so excited for this episode. Kate 5:39 I know you've been you've been waiting for this one. Lauren 5:42 I wanted this one. Yeah, this has been my, the one that I've been looking forward to. Because I think it's a fun kind of thing. It's the it's the sort of thing that only happens in movies. Or we'll get into that, I think, but it happens most dramatically in movies. Kate 6:00 Certainly. Yes. The the circumstances surrounding it get escalated in movies in a way that they don't in real life. Lauren 6:10 Yes. So we're going to be talking about coitus interruptus. Kate 6:19 Everyone's worst nightmare. Yes. Seeing walked in on while you do the do Mm hmm. Lauren 6:25 It is not something I've experienced. Have you experienced escape? Kate 6:30 I have not now. Lauren 6:34 Well, Kate 6:36 good talk. Lauren 6:41 Yeah, I don't this is why I don't know that it happens in real life. I think it's it's slowly as you put a sock on the door like it's probably fine. Oh, oh, that did send me a visceral memory bath to college. Kate 6:59 Yeah, that was a very college thing to do. Put a sock on the door. I really wish you were living in adult life over there. It's been a while. Lauren 7:06 Now I had a son memory of my first college roommate before you Kate. Kate 7:13 I don't know her. Lauren 7:15 I know. I shared a I shared like a double with this girl and her boyfriend came to visit one weekend. And I was just like, stupider. I'll just go down to the data and call and get some food and come back up. And as I'm coming back up, I like don't even think to knock. Don't even think about it. I opened the door. And she just like, hurled herself across the room to press herself against the door to close it. I was just sort of like, thrown back by the force of it. And she was just like whispering through the door. Like, can you come back later? I'm so sorry. I'm like, Oh, yeah. No, that that was entirely my fault. Kate 8:03 It's just like, okay, just go away. We don't need to talk. Lauren 8:05 Right. Like, yeah, so I that was the one time I think in college. I really got sex styled. Kate 8:13 Yeah, I don't. I don't think I ever got sex filed because Lauren 8:17 none of your roommates are cool enough. Kate 8:20 I don't know if any of my roommates as much fuckin Yeah, well went by the time we lived together. We all had separate bedrooms, so you could safely fuck with that one guy who pretended not to worry about it. Yeah, Lauren 8:36 it's true. It's true. Anyway, should Kate 8:40 we? Oh, sorry, was that Lauren 8:48 it's I'm I'm sorry, college boyfriend whose name definitely begins with the G who I definitely remember. If you're out there, I'm so sorry. Kate 8:57 acquaintance interrupt is Lauren 8:59 coitus interruptus. Let's talk about it. Kate 9:02 Did you know that coitus interruptus is the technical term for the pullout method? It doesn't really like being interrupted during sex it means interrupting yourself during sex. I know. I know, coitus interruptus episode about bridgerton. But Lauren 9:21 oh my god. I mean, we have to have we have to talk about bridgerton at some point. That show was I didn't know that about coitus interruptus. I thought it literally meant interrupting during sex. Oh, that's a shame. Um, but anyway, do you would. Would you like to go first or should I because I genuinely can't remember who did it last time. Kate 9:48 You went first last time, so I'll go. Okay. Try not to get too excited. But I present you with a gay cinema classic. Yay. I brought for you My Beautiful Laundrette which is a 1985 British drama ad, written by Hanif Kureishi directed by Stephen Frears, who also directed the Queen Mrs. Henderson presents Victoria and Abdul. If she's your favorite, and she's over age 60 he has directed her in something. And if it matters or is unclear in any way laundrette is the British word for laundromat. Lauren 10:28 It sounds so much better than laundromat. I would love to go to a laundromat Kate 10:34 I now Lauren 10:35 but catch me at a laundrette like a Kate 10:38 no laundromats are gross. Okay, so it should be noted off the bat that this movie is such classic gay cinema that when I rented it on Amazon my other suggestions were My Own Private Idaho and Morris it's that Yeah. And it's also the first I believe the first starring role in a movie for Daniel Day Lewis, who is widely recognized as one of the most talented actors ever he's got three leading actor Oscars for BAFTA has three sags two Golden Globes and a knighthood. Wow, he was also really cute in the 80s I would say this movie is before he was a great actor, but also probably leaves a little bit to be desired. Lauren 11:31 us how you really feel. Kate 11:33 I mean, come on. The movie also has some interesting characteristics, including like a hate crime turned romance situation and also kids kissing cousins. So your mileage may vary just okay out there. Lauren 11:48 Yeah. Kate 11:49 So my Beautiful Laundrette is about a young British Pakistani guy named Omar whose uncle gives him a failing laundromat business to run. He's played by Gordon Moore Nicky who's very very handsome but doesn't appear to have had much of an acting career after this movie. Daniel Day Lewis plays this not quite reformed fascist skinhead punk type named Johnny, who was a childhood friend of ours. And near the start of the movie, a gang of Johnny's friends start harassing and threatening Omar and some relatives in their car. And Omar is able to de escalate the situation when he spotted Johnny and gets out of the car to chat with him. He's really enamored with this guy, even though his friends are verbally assaulting him and his family. This is a bit. Yeah, I'm just it's Britain in the 80s. It's the Thatcher years. It's deep, dadri years. So as we move forward, Omar hires Johnny to clear the riffraff out of this laundromat and help him get the business on its feet. And it's pretty modern in that without much fanfare or attention to the subject at all. They start hooking up and working together. There is not a smidge of like, Oh my God, is our relationship changing or like oh my god, what are we doing? Or Oh my God, we might get caught. It's very much like in one scene, they're working together. And then in the next scene, they're smiling and kissing. It's like really, really modern in that way, which I think is great. Yeah, that Lauren 13:16 sounds nice. Kate 13:18 I know. And so on grand opening day of the laundrette when they're waiting for dad and uncle to show up, Omar and Johnny Go to the back office of the laundromat and they get it on. Lauren 13:29 Okay. Okay, okay. Kate 13:38 So it's not a brutal interruptus. The interrupters are Omar's uncle and his mistress. At one point, they come into the laundromat and decided to dance and flirt while they wait for Omar and Gianni to appear. comically they joke about marrying Omar off. Lauren 14:01 Yeah, that got me. They got me a bit. Kate 14:07 You know, they start dancing together and it's pretty cute. And this string waltz plays in their mind and kind of becomes the soundtrack to the scene, which I think is gorgeous. Omar and Gianni are celebrating and they're drinking champagne. And for me the standout moment is when Johnny sips some champagne some champagne yes into his mouth and then he lives it drip out of his mouth into Omar's Okay, I'm not into this idea in practice, but in theory I am so hot. Lauren 14:40 Okay, okay, so we have a lot to discuss. Kate 14:43 Mm hmm. Lauren 14:46 My first thought upon watching this scene is hey, we're meant to be doing love scenes, not a middle aged people dancing scenes. Kate 14:57 But you know I love watching middle aged Lauren 15:03 But that's for your other podcast about only middle aged people dancing on screen. Kate 15:10 Will you host that one with me too high? Lauren 15:18 No, but it's interesting the amount of time that's divided between Omar and Johnny, you said, Omar and Johnny and then the guy and his mistress. And I do love I do. I do enjoy that scene for all that I'm, you know, taking the piss, as the Brits would say. I do enjoy this scene. It's it's very beautiful. And I love the juxtaposition between the two actions of like, the Hang on, hang on, hang on, I have a thought. I have a thought. It's proven. It's proven. It's interesting that the uncle and his mistress are in the well lit area are dancing. They're perfectly respectable. And the thing that is covert and possibly shameful is is this beautiful scene between these two men? Here's my thought on that. It's not Kate 16:25 so much that it portrays the gay relationship as shameful so much as to me It reads as commentary on whose honestly, improper relationship can exist in the light and Exactly. Hide in the dark. Lauren 16:39 Yes, exactly. Correct. That's what I was trying to reach. Kate 16:42 Yeah. So So for me, it's not really portraying it as shameful so much as it's saying, this one which is really more legitimate and isn't hurting anyone is having to hide in the backroom exists in the dark. And that one, even though it's infidelity, even though it stands to hurt people, is very proper, very classic and exists in the light and just like it always has, Lauren 17:06 yes, that is what I was struggling to reach that idea that the it's the way that society is doing them. And it's because society views one even though it's, like you said, improper, you know, it's it's, it's lying, it's cheating, they can perform the motions with that waltz of, you know, respectability. And there's nothing that these two men can do in this society that they live in, to be open and to be like, comfortable and not seem like dirty and wrong. So they have to be in the back room. And allow Kate 17:46 me to describe the scene because we kind of jumped right over that sorry. So Omar and Gianni are in the back office of the laundromat which exists behind to a glass so it's a mirror on the laundromat side. And on the office side, it's a window. So they're backlit by this office window, through which you can see the uncle and his mistress dancing. And it's got hard lighting. So a lot of a lot of bright spots and shadows. You see the hard lighting bounce off like they're sweaty backs and shoulders and it gives them these really good highlights and shadows. So that's really what you're seeing in the foreground. And then in the background through this brightly lit window. You see the uncle and his mistress dancing. Lauren 18:31 Is there a moment in this scene where Omar turns off the light? Kate 18:37 Yes, yeah, just just at the beginning. As soon as they start kissing, he turns off the light in the office. Lauren 18:42 And that is a beautiful transition to this hard contrast with the slats of the of the window behind them. And the just beautiful silhouettes that they make. Love that. Kate 19:02 And you can't tell him the scene and that I don't know if you've seen this movie, but that conversation they're having right at the beginning where Johnny is reassuring Omar that he's with him and is like, I'll make it up to you. But he's saying he's going to make up to him is like being a fascist marching in fascist rallies, where Omar and his father saw him doing Lauren 19:27 you know, I don't know. I don't know how many blowjobs can make up for that. Kate 19:31 It's a lot. Lauren 19:32 It's a lot of Yeah. Yeah, I actually I have not I have not seen this film. It's come up a few times where it's been like, Oh, we should watch this film. It's you know, piece of gay history. But it's it's always not it's just never been the right time. Like it's, am I wrong? This this film sort of seems like a little bit of a bummer. Kate 19:55 I'm less than you'd think. Okay. By the way. They address it. Particularly because Omar is our main character Omar is our protagonist. So from his point of view, even from the very beginning when you should think that he would feel very hurt or betrayed by this guy who had been his childhood friend, and right from the very beginning, even when Johnny's friends are like assaulting his family, Omar is clearly infatuated with this man, like his face lights up, he gets out of the car and his face lights up. And he's like, a lot, but because, because Omar is our protagonist, and that's how he feels. That's kind of how you go through this. And it's a very, I mean, I'm watching this movie from 1985. From from the year 2021. With a lot more thoughts and feelings. culture than maybe they had in 1985. When you could casually call your boyfriend a Paki baby. I don't know. But if not, it's really hard to digest as you watch. Yeah. Anyway, let's talk about the sex because that's what we're here for. Yeah, Lauren 21:05 I mean, we're here for all of it. I love I think the best shot does come after they've, they've turned off the light. They're kissing. And we get some nice shots of, of the middle aged couple. And then we get this beautiful, beautiful shot of Daniel Day Lewis. I guess just nuzzling his neck and then lifting the bottle to his lips. And then oh, I don't I don't let's get into it. I don't care for that. Kate 21:40 It's it's a little mama bird baby bird. Again, in, in practice? Absolutely not. But in theory is working. For me. This is a thing that I've I've sort of noticed for some reason I'm really into those scenes where people are being a little bit gross and messy and like licking ice cream or whatever off of each other. It kind of does it for me. I've never tried it in real life. And I don't really want to, but they do a lot of necking and kind of licking champagne off of each other, which is really hot and intimate. It's it's very intimate. The inclusion of the liquid plays into the hard lighting. And so it catches Yes, the light, which is lovely in cinematic. Lauren 22:26 Yes, I do appreciate it's very, let's say it's very obvious about what action is occurring. You know, if that's your thing, you appreciate it. All I can think of this is a diversion. All I can think of is a scene that I'm sure I'm going to talk about later. But it's from disobedience, where Rachel vise spits into Rachel McAdams mouth. Kate 22:58 We've only ever heard about it. Lauren 23:01 Sure. I'm going to talk about it at some point. But that's all that can make me think of because it's a I think you can admit it's a polarizing move. Kate 23:11 It's a polarizing move. It seems to be rooted, I will say, mostly between gay men is where most of your spitting and sex happens, at least according to porn. Lauren 23:26 Yeah, I mean, not to reference another thing that I'm sure we'll talk about the Brokeback Mountain spit is lube. Kate 23:34 Hey, don't get ahead of our episodes. Lauren 23:40 There there is I can understand it on an intellectual level. Because is like, what are we doing here? When we're having sex? We're exchanging bodily fluids. Just does it matter which end they're coming from? It should. You know, it's, it's once you've got your dick and somebody asked like, you should be fine with any like, you can put your fingers anywhere like you can. You can lick their ear like they are you cannot like it's fine. Do you know like stick your finger up their nose matter. Kate 24:15 Actually, now that you mentioned that there's a very brief scene leading up to this grand opening where Johnny is up on a ladder in front of the laundromat and he's putting up a sign or painting or something. And Omar comes around and they he climbs down off the ladder and they talk for a second and Johnny's friends are standing around them. And so Omar hugs him and Johnny kind of slightly, slightly leans forward and licks his neck. Which again, in practice, no but watching it on screen. Yes, he's got a little black stripe of paint on his cheekbone. You know Daniel Day Lewis was and remains a handsome even in his 60s but back in the 80s when he was prime men meet us super cute and all cheekbones and Lauren 25:14 very cheekbones. Yeah, the champagne moment decide I do love this scene. This shot rather where Omar has his as his arm around Johnny's neck and it's pulling him in for this deep kiss. And you can see that like beaded is that a beaded curtain behind them. You can see through the beaded curtain and through this two way mirror you can see the man and the woman dancing. It's a beautiful framing. I just love it. Plus you got fingers going down Daniel Day Lewis is really ripped back. Kate 25:53 Yeah, it's a nice back isn't it? Lauren 25:55 It's a nice shiny back. Kate 25:58 He's got like a very muscular back end Childers not like, Captain America muscular but like, but very toned. You see in that moment where he lives the bottle of champagne to take a sip. Omar just starts like kissing down his shoulder to like his bicep, like won't stop kissing him which is really hot. Lauren 26:17 Yeah. Kate 26:18 And really sexy for a scene which is essentially just naked kissing. They're not Yeah, having sex. They're completely naked. But really, they're just, they're just playing around back naked with champagne. And it's really hot. Lauren 26:34 Playing around back there. I mean, that's how Kate 26:43 you know that's not what I'm in. Lauren 26:45 Just playing around. Just having a good time. Kate 26:49 Ey man we're just playing around. Anyway, really, they're just kissing and drinking champagne and hooking up. And then finally, finally they spot Omar's uncle through the window and they frantically dive apart. And Johnny is still pulling his sweater back on when the uncle walks into the office and iconically says, What the hell are you doing sunbathing, because they're Omarosa says, we were asleep uncle shagged out, which means exhausted, but it's hilarious because they were shagging? Lauren 27:34 Yeah. And I love this moment of the uncle. Clearly not leaving them. Is his eyes kind of like he loses the smile from the like sunbathing, to just this kind of confused to sort of blank expression and leaves the room and it's like, yeah, you shouldn't have said shagged out really Kate 28:04 you were just napping each other naked uncle What are you worried about? It's just naked at work? Yeah. What a pillow fight too. And it's also funny that you kind of subtly see Johnny make this transition from like, grotty squatting in old house dirty skinhead to the nice kind of clean cut boy, he is in the scene wearing khakis and like a light colored sweater. He looks like such a respectable fellow, except for the bad bleach job and his hair. But But this this is a market change from what he looked like earlier in the movie. Just that you know, costuming wise. Omar has been a good influence on him. Lauren 28:51 Yeah, it's I don't know what it is about a sweater, but he looks soft. Kate 28:56 Mm hmm. Yeah, he does. He's got a really kind smile. I think that Daniel Day Lewis. Lauren 29:03 This is a beautiful scene. I I enjoy it. I think my one critique would be I wish it was more explicit. I but I understand that like for 85. Like, just to have gay sex pictured in general. Like is very cool. Yeah. And to have like, no discussion of homophobia. Kate 29:26 Yeah, that they just like at no point are they like, Oh, no, we can't do this. It's wrong. They just get together and they love each other and they hook up and there's some weirdness and some tension and stuff, but it's not really ever like the world telling them they can't be together. Lauren 29:44 Mm hmm. That's beautiful. Kate 29:47 Mm hmm. So let's stop for a second. Let's get this thing. Reading. Yeah, writing on the stop scale. SGA HP stop that As this first soundtrack, which I'm going to give it a to, is like string Symphony Orchestra thing. It's cute and it's romantic, but it's not super sexy. It threads these two, sort of like scenes and couples together nicely. It's definitely not a fuck jam, though. As far as I can tell, it's just original score. Lauren 30:24 Oh, is it because I kept thinking that it reminded me of something. Kate 30:28 Me too. However, this movie is scored by Hans Zimmer. Oh, who has been nominated for Oscars for his original scores like a dozen times for everything from The Lion King to the Prince of Egypt to Dunkirk. So this is also fairly early work for another really brilliant creative. So next is timing, which I gave a three. It's too short period is about it's about 90 seconds intercut with the dancing old people. I would like at least another 60 seconds of watching these two naked and kissing because they're just so pretty. Lauren 31:09 They're so pretty. And I like I said, My first impression is is this a gay sex scene? Or is this a middle aged dancing scene? I think the ratio is very off for what I'm interested in. Jorge Kate 31:23 knows the dose Lauren. Lauren 31:25 I know. I know. I understand people have different tastes, but I would prefer a bit more of the homosexual acts. Kate 31:35 I get it. And on that note, that boosted authenticity. For me. I gave authenticity three, which you wouldn't necessarily give a coitus interruptus scene again, because it's heightened circumstances. But honestly, if you leave a couple of Young Dudes alone for 10 minutes, they're hoping No. I, Lauren 31:58 yes. I can't argue with you there. Can I ask? How does the champagne moment as I'm calling it diplomatically? How does that factor into authenticity? Kate 32:11 So for me that plays into the heat more than the authenticity? I guess. I don't think it's inauthentic. It's it's a little dirty, but I don't think it's inauthentic. Okay. Lauren 32:22 I wanted to raise the question, but I accept that answer. Kate 32:25 Yeah. Okay. So for heat, I give it a for it. So the scene doesn't feature penetrative sex, and it's not very explicit, but the intimacy of it is really, really hot. The funds celebratory nature of what they're doing really gets me that they pop this bottle of champagne. I just can't help themselves. It's really hot. I love this one a lot. Lauren 32:48 Yeah, I agree. What one thing I noticed about this in terms of heat is the beads of sweat that you can see on on Johnny's back. Kate 32:59 Mm hmm. Lauren 33:01 I do love reminders of sweat. I don't know why. Like, it's the exertion it's the feeling of sweat under your fingers slipping your hands like that whole sensory thing is very attractive to me in a sexy and Kate 33:18 for me, because that is probably my least favorite part of sex in practice is feeling like I get sweaty and attractive. That it it almost like it looks great in the lighting of the scene. And so it's better in the scene for me than it is in other cases. But I also very often get taken out of the scene and I just imagined the poor pa with a spray bottle that's between his back. Lauren 33:51 And it's probably like a glycerin solution to like, so that the droplets will form better. Yeah. Kate 33:59 Yeah. So um, so anyway, smokin hot. There. Yeah, um, production value I also gave before, this is a low budget 80s movie, and honestly, the fact that it's even watchable is a miracle. Overall, I think it's really, really well done. It's really well balanced visually. Again, that idea of like what can exist in the light and what has to hide in the dark I think is really meaningful and impactful. Lauren 34:32 Yeah, and really clear visually. I think the editing could be better as just an aside, I noticed a cut that I wouldn't use where they go. Pretty close up shot of the two of them. Kissing, it's the champagne moment, and then it goes directly to a medium shot. It just pulls back a couple feet. It's not a jump cut. It's a change in position. But it's one of those things where it's like, have you earned this cut? Have you earned this? You're such a professional. Kate 35:11 They just didn't have the footage. Lauren 35:14 It's something I pick up on is a cut. That is just a change in position. That doesn't seem necessary. Kate 35:21 That's fair. I agree with you. Just out of curiosity, have you ever seen My Own Private Idaho or Morris? Lauren 35:28 No. No, I have not. I also haven't seen Philadelphia. Kate 35:37 That's crazy. Lauren 35:38 Yeah, I don't like bombers. Kate 35:46 No comments. Do you hear that? Lauren’s homophobic? Lauren, what did you bring for me? Lauren 36:01 Oh, my God. You startled me. Kate 36:05 interrupt you. I'm on theme. Lauren 36:12 So I have brought to you one of I think the most classic coitus interruptus scenes that exists in film. And that is atonement. Oh, Kate 36:27 I've never seen it. But it's got a lot of actors that I really like. Lauren 36:31 It does. It's I chose this because I knew that the coitus interruptus scene was a huge crux of the plot. And it is like the major plot point. It's beautifully shot. It's directed by Joe Wright, who did Pride and Prejudice, Anna Karenina, all three theory bases with Keira Knightley. It's set in England, the first half is set in about mid 1930s, maybe early 1930s, England. And then there are a few times skips to later in World War Two. A few other things to note about this film. So I was I was watching this film, and I'll say this to sort of trigger Warren. pretty early on in the film, like, is Benedict Cumberbatch playing a pedophile? I had to step back and I had to look on Wikipedia, and I went, yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep. He's like a pedophile rapist. Kate 37:33 Yeah, that's basically the only thing I do know about the movie. Aside from like, who's in the cast is that Benedict Cumberbatch plays one of his earlier creepier roles. Yeah. Before people decided he was sex. He played a lot of creepers. Lauren 37:49 Yeah, yeah. So we won't be talking about that. But the basics of this film is that we start in the middle of a normal summer day. Amid this day, we see glimpses of a blossoming romance between Keira Knightley his character, which is Cecilia and James McAvoy, his character, which is Robbie. The film is told, at least mostly through the perspective of the I believe 13 year old main character Briony, who is played excellently by Sarah Sharon in one of her earliest film works, I Kate 38:32 think, and she's so good. She got a she got an Oscar nom for that didn t. Tito? I forgot I Lauren 38:38 didn't I didn't look. Kate 38:41 Dammit, I do this you everyday. Lauren 38:47 No, I'm looking it up. I can do it. Accolades. Academy Awards search Roman Nominated Best Supporting Actress. Yes. Okay, Kate, this is my problem. I tell them I've got so many awards and nominations that they have. It's a separate Wikipedia page. List of accolades received by atonement. Kate 39:11 Damn. Lauren 39:12 So that is why I did not immediately have that information. It's based on a book by Ian McEwen. I have to say at least one written name wrong. McKellen, McKellen, Mickey, when in McKeown, this film, in this novel, that is based on are very much about loss of innocence. And it's beautifully portrayed. The loss of innocence in that cusp of childhood, where you're starting to understand some things about the adult world about sexuality, about relationships, but you're not quite there. And so you misunderstand. And it's also in the later half. About loss of innocence for England is a country where they felt so powerful and so on top of the world and then they are brought solo by things like the Blitz Kate 40:16 the collapse of an empire. Lauren 40:18 Yes. So it's it's very much the theme of innocence and the loss of that rings true throughout the whole film and it's exceptionally well told. So, so there's this romance between Keira Knightley and James McAvoy his characters to caelian Robbie. Like I said, it's been it's been building off screen for weeks. But we see in the moment through the eyes of this child Briony. Cecilia, and Briony are sisters, they are the ladies of the house of this estate with their mother. And Robbie is he's the son of the housekeeper. They talk about how Robin Celia were in Cambridge together and never spoke to each other. Because the Celia was feeling a bit, I think embarrassed of their difference in class. But back home, they're just a man and a woman. You know. Kate 41:18 I love this. Lauren 41:19 Yeah. And so there's a moment where Robbie's back in his little cottage that he shares with his mom, and he's writing on the typewriter, the typewriter is a major motif in this film. And he's writing out different versions of an apology letter to Cecilia and sort of an apology letter that also reveals sort of how much he has been thinking about her something that says sort of like, when I'm with you, I feel quite foolish. Something like that. Kate 41:48 So British, Lauren 41:49 I know, yes. Something like that. But, and this is a fun moment. Yes, one draft, that he just writes the most sexually explicit things you can sort of think of, he's being honest, and vulgar. And in it, he writes, in my dreams, I kiss your sweet Kant. Right? And He kind of looks at this. And he laughs and he puts it aside, he folds it and he puts it aside. And then he hand writes another letter that is you know, what he actually intends to give her. Unfortunately, in putting the envelope together, if the note that he wants to send, he puts the wrong note my Kate 42:36 My heart can't take that. Lauren 42:38 And he delivers this envelope with this note. To briny to deliver to Cecilia. Ooh, Briony opens it Oh, reads it is encountered with, as she says later, the worst word she could imagine. But sort of not. I think not knowing what else to do. She does pass the note on to Cecilia, who has this realization as she's reading it, not just of Robbie's feelings, but that Brian had read it. So this is all sort of taking place. They're about to have a like dinner party to celebrate the son returning home from Cambridge. And Robbie has been invited to this dinner. And Cecilia goes to meet him when he comes to the door. And there's a tension between them of he knows he knows that he messed up. He realized later that he put the wrong note in and Cecilia says, briny Reddit, and he apologizes. And she kind of leads him in to the house. It's one of those things sort of like in body heat, where she's not being overt, that saying, like, come here, follow me. But with her actions, she's kind of guiding him where she wants him. So she guides him into this closed library. And they just give in to their passion. And it all just comes crashing down. And it's this beautiful moment where they're up against a bookshelf and all the tension that's been building and we can feel it. We can feel that it's been weeks. All just starts pouring out. I'm so excited. That's what I'm gonna send to you. Whoo. Kate 44:31 Oh, wow. Lauren 44:39 Yeah. A lot of thoughts too, if you'll permit me. Um, so just off the bat, I want to say Keira Knightley describes this as the best sex scene she's ever done. She says it was both the best sex scene but also the best to shoot. Because Joe Wright choreographed the scene within an inch of its life, it was absolutely foot goes up, their hand goes up there to both me and James felt utterly comfortable and not exposed and like we could deal with it. It's never gonna be fun, but we could deal with it. I think that's really a fun thing, especially coming from a woman who's Well, I don't know, necessarily how many sex geniuses done, but it's nice that this is ranked number one. Kate 45:29 Yes. Because the intensity of it is breathtaking. Lauren 45:35 Yes, yes, it is. Kate 45:37 Having absolutely no connection to these characters. And only the context you provided me that was fucking breathtaking. Yes, Lauren 45:48 Yes, it was. I think it has a very similar feeling to Titanic. There's the emphasis on the long days that they share in between that first kind of kiss, and they pull back and they kind of look at each other. And that look where you can see he's asking for her consent. And she gives a little nod. That look is so sexy. And that brings me back to that long, lingering gaze in Titanic. And there are also a lot of like, similarly to Titanic, a lot of hands grasping for purchase. You know, there's that moment of her gripping the ladder, which just reminds me of the hand thrown out against the car window. Kate 46:34 Mm hmm. Yeah, man, that truly that that first look, I mean, he comes at her so aggressively for that first kiss. It is such a decisive moment. And it's such an intense kiss. And then he immediately pulls back and sort of like seeks her eye contact? And has they have that moment of like, Oh, my God, I'm so there. You're there with me, right? Yes, yes, is really Lauren 47:03 very attractive. They're both on the same page. And that's what you want. You want that feeling? Kate 47:09 Man, they start off so strong. Lauren 47:12 Yes, they start out so strong. And what I like most about this scene is it's emphasizing how much they lost in this own world, from the moment that they have that long gaze and the case, they are just trapped together in this in this tiny bubble. And there's this very soft focus from the incredibly shallow depth of field, that they kind of sway in and out of, like, they go blurry after that first kiss. And there's these claustrophobically tight close ups mostly on the face and the hands that really accentuate the sort of sensual, you know, sensual sensations, that they're that they're feeling, you know, what they're seeing what they're what they're feeling what they're touching. Kate 48:01 You're up so close on them, that you hear them gasp and you're so close that you've, you truly feel like you also can breathe. Lauren 48:09 Yeah, again, I feel a little strange for bringing another sec scene without a soundtrack. But this is a case where I think it works exceptionally well, because we're just hearing their, their breaths, and they're like moans and that, that gasp when he when he penetrates her. And it's unequivocal that that's what's happened. You know? There are a few notable shots of the dress like slipping over the knee Kate 48:41 when he pulls the spaghetti strapped down over her shoulder. Lauren 48:44 Yes, when you get a strap down when she's when she's unbuttoning his pants in that kind of cool moment. And, and then her foot comes up out of her heel. Yeah. And I want to talk for a moment if I may, about the dress. Kate 49:00 Yes, this dress is gorgeous. I noticed that right away. Lauren 49:06 It's such a gorgeous dress. Apparently, replicas of this dress have sold for upwards of $30,000. Kate 49:13 That does not shock me because my first thought was, so many people want this dress. Lauren 49:18 Yes. And I have a quote from costume designer, Jacqueline Duran, who said, the real secret of the green dress is its function in the movie. If it hadn't had that function, it could have been addressed that comes and goes really, because it has such a pivotal moment where she's wearing it at such a pivotal moment. And Seamus and Joe have shot it in a way and Karen looks so good in it. I think it's just this perfect storm of things all going right at the same time, which I think is true. But there's so much thought and so much attention that went into this like costume design. While it's helped by the fact that it comes at such a pivotal moment. I think it's really kind of undercutting it, because it's just it would be an incredible dress on its own. It's incredible work. Kate 50:09 And not to be that guy, but it's also like really thin fabric. And she's very braless Lauren 50:16 Yes. It's apparently Joe Wright said that. One of the main things is that this is taking place on the hottest day of the year. And so that was one of the directions when making this costume is imagine what you'd want to wear on the hottest day of the year. So it's very light. It's very flimsy. It moves with her body. Yeah, yeah. And the Kate 50:40 high slit design of it is definitely function as well as form too, because it creates that incredibly striking shot after Briony walks in and you cut from her like her horrified face to them absolutely, like splayed out like they're crucified together. And you you barely see the dress you see kiros arms and her legs and not much address and yeah, and and James McAvoy just splayed out in front of her arms wide. And it's so striking in that moment so striking. And it's like, like, grasped in his hair. And so you see them like, giant bracelet and just heard Yeah, like, just like clutching his hair. Oh, what a shot. Oh, my God. Lauren 51:32 I yes, I want to get into that. I do want to double back for a moment and talk about the exchanging of I love to use that moment where there's, like I said, unequivocally penetration. And they just sort of hold their breath for a moment. And everything stops Kate 51:54 and unequivocal penetration about 30 seconds after they first break their romantic tension no less. Yeah, very quick. First kiss and they are have an intercourse very shortly thereafter. Lauren 52:09 Yes, very quick. So they exchange I love us very sweetly, I think. And there's this great moment where I don't know if I if you picked up on this. But in terms of the framing, for most of the shots of them kissing, they're very uneven. One person is sort of taking up the bulk of the frame. And the other person is kind of like shadowed by them. It's very, you know, uneven and focus on what each of them individually is feeling. After they exchange I love us. There's a shot of them from the side and profile where Keira Knightley kisses him. And for a moment, they move from sort of unequal partners in this to being equally shown in the frame. And I think that's really beautiful. Yeah, Kate 53:07 there's another thing with a kissing is that they do a lot of that like, not quite kissing, just breathing the same air thing I love more though, like almost kissing but their mouths are like not quite coming together and then they shift and like happens again and it's just kind of Lauren 53:28 brushing I believe lips brushing is how we would describe that. Kate 53:33 It always gives that impression of like, the feeling was so intense that they like couldn't even commit all the way to the kiss like they they weren't already trying to move on to the next one because they were so into it that it's like they're shifting before they can quite Connect. I love Yes. I was my favorite movie kiss things. Lauren 53:54 It's definitely fulfills your desire for the sort of like, not full tonguing you know, it's it's very beautiful. lippy kissing. Kate 54:05 Mm hmm. Lauren 54:07 So then we get to this moment where the door opens and see his eyes go wide. And we have this, you know, horrified moment where she whispers in his ear. Someone's come in. And there's a very brief shot of him blinking over her shoulder sort of in disbelief like, no, that couldn't be right. And then the little girl Briony says her name's Celia. And then we get this cut, and we're out of their little world. We're out of their little bubble. And it's unflinchingly focused wide and revealing how debossed they look. We go from this beautiful loving, tender moment of them just being so in into each other and in love. To then it seemed dirty and sorted and shameful. And it's told visually so well, with just that cut from, you know, their faces close together to briny to them in that perfect wide as you said. Kate 55:19 Hmm. And again to me it's it's sort of that imagery of like to just to drive home that, that briney would understand it as something bad really, to me. It's like that image splayed out like crucifixion. That's Yeah. Lauren 55:36 Yeah. Kate 55:37 And so briny, walking in on this moment that she's perceiving as probably violent and confusing. And yes, at the very least, super upsetting would be my understanding of it. And to have it be like, the imagery of a dead, Jesus Christ kind of like, really drives home. The point for me, Oh, my God, just the the horror of them going completely still realizing what's happened, seeing Brian's face and then knowing that they just need to pull their bodies apart and get decent again, without exposing anything to her. And again, that is just incredible choreography where you just kind of see them pull apart, but not like, move apart. Because that would expose something. You see the straps go back up on the dress. You see McEvoy reach forward to be tucking things back in his pants. Oh, yeah, God. It's like you can feel the boat or die. It's incredible. Lauren 56:43 Yeah. And it's all silent. Kate 56:46 Completely, brutally silent. Lauren 56:49 Yes. And it's, it's like they're not equipped to even deal with the situation. They're being so British right now. And just like cannot even address what's happened. No, they Kate 57:03 just, they get it together facing away from Briony and then they walk out pastor. They don't look at her. They don't talk to her. They just believe that child. They're in her horror. Lauren 57:17 Yes. Which, you know, maybe if they talked about it, things wouldn't go so bad for the rest of the film. Maybe if they just like had a talk. And they were like, sometimes, adults do things that seem strange. But really, it's fine. Maybe she would have been okay, Kate 57:38 I'm not even confident I could handle watching this whole movie. I'm really affected by just what you've told me. Like this. Five minutes of it. Lauren 57:51 It's rough. I'll be honest, I was watching it. And after I got to the sex scene, I was like, I really have to finish this film. Like, things aren't gonna get better from here. But I soldiered on, which is a pun. And yes, it's it's terribly bleak. And there is no real happy ending to be found here. But it is beautiful drama. It's incredibly well told incredibly well shot. I understand why it needs its own Wikipedia page for accolades. Kate 58:33 But, yeah, oh, man. It's hard that a lot of times the hardest, most intense sex also comes with the most intense drama. Lauren 58:43 I know. I know. It's so upsetting. Okay, I'm gonna have to ask you to stop. Kate 58:52 Stop. Tell me how you'd think this movie, Lauren. Lauren 58:56 I think for soundtrack it's unfortunate that I've get to bring a really powerful fuck jam. But I think it's so effective to just hear them gasping because like you said, it leaves you breathless. So I think in this case, I'm just going to hedge my bets and give it a three. I think music maybe could have improved it, but I understand the choice not to go with it. Kate 59:25 My Yeah, my thought there is that if they use music to maintain the intensity of the interruptus. The music would have to stop dead. The second we know Briony is there. Lauren 59:38 Yes. Yes, it would. Absolutely. So that's why I think it was soundtrack time. I think it makes incredible use of time. I think it's beautiful. We get such great build up and the fumbling of hands and the raking up the skirt over her knee and her You know, unbuttoning his pants. I think there's really effective use of time to sort of get to that frantic furtive feeling. Yeah, I think it's pretty good. I can't say I would want it to go on longer. Kate 1:00:15 Yeah, I definitely don't feel cheated by the time on this one as I yeah often watch a scene and think Oh yeah, I could have spent another moment just stewing in that amazingness. But this is so intense that it's almost like yeah, that was enough. Lauren 1:00:30 Right, exactly. I I'm tempted to give it a five. Are you in agreement? Kate 1:00:35 Yeah, I think that's fair. Lauren 1:00:37 A, A is next authenticity. Every single time. Kate 1:00:44 At least you're going in the right order this time. Lauren 1:00:46 Thank you. Authenticity. Now, how Where is that pussy? Kate 1:00:53 I mean, a whole summer of build up. I you might, you might need a bucket and a mop for that. Lauren 1:01:04 But I would argue I've counter a she came from dinner with her parents and her brother. Kate 1:01:12 Okay, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Lauren 1:01:14 She did. I guess I could, I could conceive. She did get kind of a dirty letter before the dinner party. So maybe that has gotten her thinking about it. Kate 1:01:26 Man. Have you ever been around people and gotten a dirty text and just been like, Lauren 1:01:33 Oh, no, Kate 1:01:35 I wonder if this is just the 1930s version of that is where you just have to exist with that and hope no one notices. Lauren 1:01:44 He said to sex that he didn't mean to send. Kate 1:01:48 At least it went to the right person. My God. Lauren 1:01:50 Yeah. I mean, not at first went to her sister first. I think I would need more foreplay. Kate 1:02:04 just being sort of kissed for 30 seconds and then up against a bookshelf. For me more than Well, not more than I guess equal to the timing of it all. Being upright against a bookcase thing. Lauren 1:02:19 Have you ever had okay? Maybe too much information? Have you ever had sex standing up? Kate 1:02:27 I have not. Lauren 1:02:30 I've done sexual things with people standing up. But having not a cock of my own, at least on my person at all times. I have not been in this position. So I don't really know. It's very fanciful. That scene. I think I would rate it lower on authenticity, but much higher on heat. So I'm noticing that those are kind of inverse sometimes that we're talking about. Oh, definitely. Yeah. So I think for authenticity, I might give it a two. That feels pretty accurate. Alright, Ben, now heat. I am bringing you just some good shit right here. Kate 1:03:15 This is like a six out of five. Lauren 1:03:16 This is very hot. It's the kind of hot that you only get from someone that you've kind of known for a long time. And you're like suddenly seeing them differently. And it's like, oh, I I don't know. I didn't think of you that way before. But now you're all I can think about and it's so good. It's a very specific feeling. And it captures it so well. So yeah, I think this is incredibly hot. I solid five out of five. Kate 1:03:50 Mm, yes. Lauren 1:03:52 And then production value. I love it so much. As I said, I love the way that the focus really helps to narrow in their, their world to each other. And I love the editing. I love the like short shots that we get that are not, again, not too much. But they're just evocative in a certain way of the feeling that they're going through. There's just nothing more masterful than that sequence of four shots. Her shots face, his sort of disbelieving face. Little Briony and then them in the wide Kate 1:04:34 Yeah, those four shots. Lauren 1:04:37 Oh, it's magnificent. Everything from the staging, to the choreography, to the framing, the editing, the costuming. The Act is all magnificent. Kate 1:04:49 Yeah, Lauren 1:04:50 I think I'm I'm safely giving this a five out of five. Kate 1:04:54 Mm. Yeah, man. Oh man, awesome quality content. I appreciate You, Lauren 1:05:01 thank you. I'm only bringing the quality content today. I'll be back on my bullshit soon Don't worry. Kate 1:05:10 No doubt. Being back on our bullshit. Do we have a super scientific survey? Lauren 1:05:16 Oh, we should do Kate. So our super scientific survey that we did today was asking the question, you're in kilograms day and someone accidentally comes in the room? What do you do? And the possible answers were, except that the moments passed and do your best to make it not embarrassing. Get the interloper to leave and try to pick up where you left off or other. So let's see. This is my first time really seeing what everyone said. Oh, my goodness. Kate, we have some horny friends. Kate 1:05:53 I love that for us. Lauren 1:05:56 We have 100% of responses, as said, Get the interloper to leave and try to pick up where you left off. Kate 1:06:03 Oh my goodness. Did we get any additional thoughtful? No, that Lauren 1:06:08 was really it. Wow, everybody Kate 1:06:10 was just like, get those uglies back bumper. Lauren 1:06:14 Yeah, I that's wonderful. And hopefully won't ever happen. I don't particularly want to go through this. Kate 1:06:25 My God definitely not by a sibling. Lauren 1:06:28 No, no, no, definitely not. Yeah, certainly not child. Oh. I think it's it's fair to say the mood is ruined in that case, specifically. Yes. So Kate, what do we do at the end of a podcast, we have to do all of the call to actions that people do on podcasts. Kate 1:06:58 So we've we've come to the end of another episode, which means all that's left is for you to write to us. We want to know what you're watching what you think we should be watching. We already watched bridgerton so shut up and talk about so yes, you can get us Our website is Let's get it on. you can email us at info at Let's get it on we're on Twitter and Instagram at Let's get it on film is out where you get your podcasts. And check out the Let's get it on film fluff games playlist on Spotify. Lauren 1:07:38 When you go to our website you will find even more smutty content we post on each episode the videos that we look at providing we can find them online. Sometimes they are too hot for TV. But you know if you feel like the spirit moves you leave us a review on iTunes or whatever that's it Kate 1:08:04 that's it man like and subscribe and hit subscribe if you're into this. that's all we got. Keep it pervy Yeah. Lauren 1:08:20 Keep the pervy Transcribed by